Secure your data as Broadcom Support Portal takes over VMware Customer Connect portal

Terminologies, licensing keys and other data, starting, Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (PDT), will be part of the migration process from the VMware Customer Connect portal to the Broadcom Support Portal. As a VMware customer, there is a need to take note.  

The transition process: VMware Customer Connect portal to Broadcom Support Portal 

Starting from Sunday, May 5, 2024, all VMware Customer Portals will transition to the Broadcom Support Portals. To ensure access to necessary data post-transition, as a user, download any reports, information or data extracts before 5:00 p.m. (PDT) on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at which point the systems will switch to a “read-only” mode.  

Starting from Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), VMware’s levelled folder structure which the user can currently build, will undergo a transformation within the Broadcom Support Portal. The current folder structure will be simplified to a single-tier, flat structure. Despite this change, the original VMware pathing will be preserved in the new setup, with folder names based on the paths, ensuring a seamless transition and maintained organization.  

This signifies the beginning of a new era in cloud technology, with Broadcom advancing its strategy for a multi-cloud (hybrid) environment. This means that the focus is now the cloud and perpetual licenses are to be discontinued with a subscription model of use introduced. Also new bundled offers of products and services are to be introduced as well.   

Changes in the license key portal terminologies and what to note 

These changes will be visible starting May 6, 2024, and will be to guide you as a user. These license key portal terminologies as seen currently in VMware customer connect portal will change when the Broadcom Support Portal transition is completed.   

  • The term “split” will now be reflected in Broadcom portals which is “divide” in VMware portal.   
  • The term “merge” will now be reflected in Broadcom portals which is “combine” in VMware.  
  • However, the Broadcom Support Portal will continue to offer the flexibility to upgrade and downgrade license keys as needed.  

How expired license keys will be handled in the Broadcom Support Portal 

Beginning Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), access to license keys tied to expired support contracts will no longer be available in the Broadcom Support Portal. Only license keys covered by an active support agreement will be transferred to Broadcom systems.  

Talk to our team of cloud and licensing experts 

The team at Q-Advise is available to offer further clarity on what your challenges may be. Whether your organization is looking to analyze your current situation, understanding the effect of this switch on your business or what next steps to take, reach out to the team. We can support and guide your organization on how to have continued access to your data, licenses and help you with future projections.   

Don’t wait till the transition deadline is near to make the moves required of you as an organization. Act now! There is the need to start planning what your next renewals will look like and how to handle your new license purchases.   

Wondering what to do with your perpetual licenses as there is no longer the possibility of extensions? Well, you can still use the perpetual licenses currently but what options can be available when you get to a stage where your organization will need support and upgrades?   

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